Sunday, July 17, 2005

Kyle loves bath time. Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Ciridnikov for the wonderful towel and bib! As you can see, Kyle loves them. 03Jul05 Posted by Picasa

Roark, Mischi, Schmitz at John Mischi's graduation. 09Jul05 Posted by Picasa

Relaxing at home. 09Jul05 Posted by Picasa

Grandpa teaches Kyle to walk. 10Jul05 Posted by Picasa

Partied out...Time for a re-charge. 09Jul05 Posted by Picasa

Grandpa, see me stick my tongue out! 09Jul05 Posted by Picasa

Asleep at the Wheel - Kyle relaxes on his swing 09Jul05 Posted by Picasa

Generations of Schmitz - Great Grandma, Grandpa, and Kyle (Dad is taking picture) Posted by Picasa

Kyle meets Grandpa Schmitz 01Jul05 Posted by Picasa

Kyle meets Grandma Schmitz 01Jul05 Posted by Picasa

3 Months Old 18Jul05

Kyle will be 3 months old on Monday. As we look through the pictures taken the last 2 months, we can defiantly see how much he has grown. He now weighs over 14 pounds and is still growing at a rate of one pound per week. He is also eating 6 to 9 ounces every feeding. We are still working on getting him to sleep through the night, but that will come with time. He will sleep for 8 hours, and wake for a feeding, then take a 2 hour nap. He is much more focused on his surroundings. Sometimes the only way to settle him down, is to walk him around, giving him a better view and chance to explore his surroundings. He can support his weight with his legs for very short periods of time. We keep working with him, in the hopes of building up his legs for walking. Kyle has become extremely fond of his bath time, and is starting to learn how to play with the water. Renee thinks his eyes are slowly changing from blue to brown. I am still hopeful that they will stay blue. Kyle has become increasingly dependent on his pacifier "Binky" to get to sleep. We have read many articles for and against its use. For now, it is difficult to mess with something that works and gives him so much comfort. We hope to break him of this habit as soon as he starts on solid food, when he is 4 months old. We like to joke that if he is crying, that the solution is one of the 3 B's: Binky, Bottle, or Butt...

Grandma and Grandpa Schmitz were able to visit last week and we all enjoyed their company. Many of the pictures above are of their visit. We also invited the whole family over for the 4 th of July. The City of Fenton puts on a very nice fireworks display, which can be viewed from our front porch. Everyone had a great time.