Thursday, August 18, 2005

4 Months Old 18Aug05

The summer has been a blur of activity. Renee and I are dismayed at how quickly time has passed. Kyle has been growing and maturing just as quickly. It seems every day when I get home from work, he has learned something new. This is even more apparent when I leave for a few days on business. I will try to summarize some of his major achievements.

We weighed him last weekend, and he is now 16 lbs, which is twice the weight from when he first came home from the hospital. According to the charts we have, his weight is in the 75th percentile for his current age. Renee will take him in for his 4 month round of immunizations by the end of the month.

He rolled over by himself, from his back to his stomach, for the first time on Thursday August 11th. He has been able to repeat this several times, although he has not mastered rolling from his stomach to his back. He does not like lying on his stomach for any length of time, and will cry within minutes. We can now stand Kyle up, with his back to a chair, and he will support his own weight for up to half a minute. It is not for lack of strength in his legs, but lack of balance that he can not stand longer. Renee and I continue to work on this with him. Kyle has gotten to the stage where he is putting in his mouth everything that he can get a hold of. Most often he is sucking on his fingers. We think he will begin teething soon. He is also grabbing and holding his feet, which is an act that requires a considerable amount of coordination. The interesting part is that he is flexible enough to stuff his foot in his mouth. I guess if you get tired of sucking on your hand, your foot is the next best thing… Kyle has also started drooling. This occurs much more than in the past, and has earned the nick name “Little Spit”.

He is also much more vocal now, and is making many different sounds. He will engage in “Baby talk” by himself, without direct interaction from us. Renee spends time reading books to him, which I attribute to helping him develop this “skill”.

Renee has been working hard to keep Kyle on a sleep schedule, where he gets two naps through the day, and sleeps the whole night. He has been very good about sleeping through the night, but sometimes has trouble taking naps during the day. This can lead to a very grumpy Kyle.

Renee has signed Kyle up for an “Aqua Babies” class at the Hartland High School, where she will join him in the pool, to get him acclimated to being in the water. This class is for 6 month old and above babies. I hope to get some good pictures of them in the pool for the Blog.

Best wishes to all…

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Thanks to the Howe's, Kyle is set for the Aqua Babies class. 16Aug05 Posted by Picasa

Thanks Grandma Schmitz for the teething ring. Kyle loves it! 16Aug05 Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sitting in MY chair 14Aug05 Posted by Picasa

Look into my eyes! 14Aug05 Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 12, 2005

Ahhhh 2 12Aug05 Posted by Picasa

Hello down there 12Aug05 Posted by Picasa

Forget walking or crawling. I wanna FLY! Vroom!!! 12Aug05 Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Kyle and Dad at the Rochester Park. 06Aug05. Posted by Picasa

Kyle and Mom enjoy a shady park bench in the Rochester Park, by Paint Creek. 06Aug05. Posted by Picasa