Fall is here. We have had our first hard frost in Fenton. Kyle had a cold last week, with a slight cough and congestion. The Dr. prescribed some antibiotics, as a precautionary measure, but by the end of the week, he sounded much better. We had planned our “Fall Color Tour” vacation, and were concerned that he would not be well enough to travel. Fortunately, we all had a wonderful time in Bay Harbor, Petoskey, Travers City and Charlevoix. The colors were spectacular, as you will see from the attached photos. Kyle most enjoyed the Jacuzzi bathtub in our hotel room. He had a bubble bath with mom each night. He learned rather quickly that bubbles are for playing (or washing?!), not for eating!
Giving Kyle his medicine was and interesting event. Kyle now knows what happens when grown-ups use the word “Medicine”, and he recognizes the syringe we use to give it to him (oral liquid). Seeing or hearing either one of these, will cause him to yell and cover his mouth. I was rather surprised he picked up on this, after only a few days of taking it.
Kyle now weighs 19.5 lbs. He now recognizes his own name and will look in your direction when called. He is just starting to crawl. He has not mastered the technique, but is able to move around well enough to get the things he wants. These are usually the same things his parents do not want him to have. He has been eating more solid foods, and defiantly likes his veggies. He is not too sure of fruits…especially peaches.
We took some Halloween photos of Kyle in his skunk costume. We like to refer to this as the “Little Stinker” photos. We have included some of the better shots.
Take Care...